
来源: 标签: 2023-06-03 22:13:23
       5月30日晚,中外地理标志产品博览会组委会与欧洲联盟驻华代表团在北京燕莎中心凯宾斯基饭店举办中欧地理标志产品招待会,汇聚国内外优质地理标志名品,赣南脐橙、周至猕猴桃、金华火腿、金华两头乌、延安苹果、于都富硒饮品、兰州苦水玫瑰、泰州有机米酒、姜堰大米、清溪乌鳖、山背谷酒、诺亚农庄有机蔬菜、瑞典伏特加、爱尔兰奶油利口酒、爱尔兰威士忌等多种中欧互认地标产品精彩亮相,各具特色,亮点纷呈,展现出中欧地理标志多元文化魅力,受到与会嘉宾一致好评。中欧协会副理事长潘锋、欧盟驻华代表团农业参赞Mr. Wojciech PTAK、乔奥国际公共关系智库理事长李强出席招待会并致辞,王府井集团、京东集团、中粮大悦城等多家商业贸易企业齐聚招待会。期间,中央电视台农业农村频道CCTV-17记者全程报道此次活动。


Empowering GIs: GI Reception Displaying GI Products From China and Europe

On the evening of May 30, the organizing committee of the Global Geographical Indications Products Expo (GIPE) and the delegation of the European Union to China hosted a reception for EU-China Geographical indication products at the Kempinski Hotel, Beijing. Gannan Navel Orange, Zhouzhi kiwi fruit, Jinhua Ham, Jinhua Liangtouwu Pig, Yan 'an Apple, Yudu Selenium Rich Drink, Lanzhou Kushui rose, Taizhou organic rice wine, Jiangyan rice, Qingxi black turtle, Shanbei ancient wine, Noah Farm organic vegetables, Swedish vodka, Irish cream liqueur, Irish whiskey and other GI products of mutual recognition between China and Europe were displayed, each with its own characteristics and highlights, demonstrating the multicultural charm of GIs of China and Europe and were well received by the participants. Mr. Pan Feng, Vice Chairman of CEATEC, Mr. Wojciech PTAK, Agricultural Counselor of the EU Delegation to China, and Mr. Li Qiang, Chairman of CIAO Think Tank, attended and addressed the reception. Many enterprises such as Wangfujing Group, JD Group and COFCO Joy City gathered at the reception.

Geographical indication is an effective carrier to promote the development of regional characteristic economy, a strong support to promote rural revitalization, and an important resource for enterprises to participate in market competition. This event aims to expand the product influence and brand awareness of geographical indication exhibitors, promote GI products from farm to the dinning table of consumers, and improve the competitiveness of GI industry.



