喜迎二十大 共筑中国梦——国际艺术大家潘志毅

来源: 标签: 2022-04-25 17:24:03
在这个时代,涌现了许许多多富有时代气息、个人风格鲜明的艺术家。他们以传承与发展中华优秀传统文化为己任,不断努力,不断创新,通览古今融贯中西,使中国书画艺术呈现出崭新的面貌,将中国艺术逐步推向世界艺术之顶峰。为发掘展示当代艺术家风采及优秀作品,《喜迎二十大 共筑中国梦——艺术大家专题报道》特别推荐艺术家大型活动,面向全国及大众展示当代艺术名家风采。

In this era, many artists with the flavor of the times and distinctive personal style have emerged. They take the inheritance and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture as their own responsibility, make continuous efforts and innovations, take a comprehensive view of ancient and modern times, integrate China and the west, make Chinese calligraphy and painting art take on a new look, and gradually push Chinese art to the peak of world art. In order to explore and display the style and excellent works of contemporary artists, "Celebrating the 20th National Congress and building a Chinese dream - special report on artists" specially recommends large-scale activities of artists to display the style of contemporary artists to the whole country and the public.

潘志毅,字柔润,号笑口常开,男,1954 年 10 月出生。安徽宿州人,中学高级教师,中共党员。毕业于安师大汉语言文学专业(大专)。原任宿州市埇桥区三铺中学语文教学和教研工作。他在退休前后获得的荣誉有:中华杰出艺术家,国家一级书法家,国家特级书法师,国家文化巨匠,国家一级文艺大师,和谐中国·百位杰出爱国诗人,中国赤子诗人,中国当代文学之星,共和国诗书画名家,国家级文化名人,“文艺泰斗•国家最高荣誉奖”,中华文艺精英,共和国之星,囯宝级影响力人物,中国文艺脊梁人物和最了不起的艺术家,中华国礼艺术家,国家一级文艺导师,中国诗书画金印名家,全国 2020 战疫诗先锋,2021十全十美艺术家,全国中学语文教师“四项全能”,感动中国杰出文化传承人,中国艺术百花奖金奖,国家顶级诗书画家,中国当代金笔大师,2012 年度中国传奇人物,当代文艺先锋,中国艺术飞天奖杰出贡献人物等称号。兼任世界文化艺术研究中心研究员,中国纪实文学研究会会员,中国延安文艺学会会员,中国艺术家交流协会副会长,中国艺联副主席,中国民族文化研究会诗书画艺术委员会终身名誉主席,中国诗书画联盟网终身名誉主席,中国文化艺术人才协会第三届副主席,世界文艺家企业家交流中心终身名誉主席。

Pan Zhiyi, born in October 1954, is a man with soft characters and a smile. From Suzhou, Anhui Province, senior middle school teacher, member of the Communist Party of China. Graduated from Anshi Han language and literature major (junior college). Former Chinese teaching and research work of Sanpu middle school in Yongqiao District, Suzhou. His honors before and after retirement include: Chinese outstanding artist, national first-class calligrapher, national super calligrapher, national cultural master, national first-class literary and artistic master, harmonious China · 100 outstanding patriotic poets, Chinese red child poets, star of Chinese contemporary literature, famous poet, calligrapher and painter of the Republic, national cultural celebrity, "literary and artistic leader • national highest honor award", Chinese literary and artistic elite, star of the Republic, influential figure of national treasure, The backbone of Chinese literature and art and the most remarkable artist, the Chinese national ritual artist, the national first-class literature and art tutor, the famous master of Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting, the national pioneer of 2020 war epidemic poetry, the 2021 perfect artist, the national middle school Chinese teacher "four Almighty", which moved China's outstanding cultural inheritors, the gold award of the Hundred Flowers Award of Chinese art, the national top poetry and calligraphy painter, the master of Chinese contemporary golden pen, the 2012 Chinese legend and the pioneer of contemporary literature and art, China Feitian art contribution award and other titles. He is also a researcher of the world culture and art research center, a member of China documentary literature research association, a member of China Yan'an Literature and art society, the vice president of China Artists Exchange Association, the vice president of China Arts Federation, the lifelong honorary chairman of the poetry, calligraphy and painting art committee of China National Culture Research Association, the lifelong honorary chairman of China Poetry, calligraphy and painting alliance network, the third vice president of China culture and art talent Association and the lifelong honorary chairman of the world artists and entrepreneurs exchange center.


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


Appreciation of teacher pan Zhiyi's works


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