“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-谈留增老师
谈留增,中共党员退伍军人,对书法、画画情有独钟。作品多次参加了市、省、全国性多次比赛并分别获得入选证书及奖状、奖杯。现为中国书法家协会会员、国家一级、高级书法师。中国美术家协会会员、国家一级、高级美术师。中央国家机关书法家协会会员,中国大众文化学会名人书画艺术发展委员会副秘书长,中国楹联学会会员,中国书画家联谊会书画教育工作委员会委员,全国书画艺术委员会主席。中国科学管理研究院智库专家。黑龙江省炎黄书画院副院长中国老年书画研究会会员、中宣盛世国际书画院研究员、河南省硬笔书法研究院研究员、武汉高申高书画院院委。2021年第十三届全国人民代表大会第四次会议和第十三届全国政协两会胜利召开,被权威单位推荐“德艺双馨”人民艺术家、功勋艺术家、艺术家楷模、中国国礼书画家等荣誉称号、2022年被权威单位推荐为“2022年北京冬奥会艺术形象大使”。 谈留增作品欣赏 《许亚梅故居》 《舍得》 《迎春》 《居静气清》 《张家界》 Tan Liuzeng, a veteran of the Communist Party of China, has a soft spot for calligraphy and painting. His works have participated in many municipal, provincial, and national competitions and won multiple awards. Now he is a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a national first-class and senior calligrapher, a member of the China Artists Association, and a national first-class artist and senior artist. He is a member of the Central State Organ Calligraphers Association, deputy secretary general of the Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Development Committee of the Popular Culture Society of China, a member of the China Yinglian, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Education Committee of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, and chairman of the National Calligraphy and Painting Art Committee. Tan is a think tank expert at the Chinese Academy of Science Management, vice president of Heilongjiang Yanhuang Calligraphy and Painting Institute, a member of the China Senior Calligraphy and Painting Research Association, a researcher of Zhongxuan Shengshi International Calligraphy and Painting Institute, a researcher of Henan Pen Calligraphy Institute, and a member of Wuhan Gaoshengao Book Painting Academy. In 2021, the Fourth Session of the Thirteenth National People's Congress and the “two sessions” of the Thirteenth CPPCC National Committee were successfully held, and under the recommendation of authorities, Tan was entitled a “Morally and Artistically Excellent” People's Artist, Meritorious Artist, Artist Model, Chinese Guoli Calligrapher and Painter, etc. In 2022, he was recommended by authorities as the “2022 Beijing Winter Olympics Ambassador of Art”. Tan Liuzeng’s works: “House of Xu Yamei” “Let Go” “Welcome the Spring” “Peace of Mind” “Zhangjiajie”
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-裴英超老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-王家骥老师
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