“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-李海圣老师
李海圣,笔名半介书生,师承权希军,中国书法家协会会员;中华英才半月刊社融媒体中心理事会副理事长;中国国宾礼艺术家;中国中外名人研究会学术委员会艺术顾问;中国非物质文化遗产传承人;中华历史文化遗产最美代言人;国家民族画院“特聘书法家”;哈佛艺术学院荣誉院士;意大利佛罗伦萨美术学院客座教授;国家高级书法师;国家高级书法指导师;中国楹联协会会员;中国书画名家协会理事;博鳌亚洲艺术人才研究中心“研究院”;山东省书法家协会员、莱芜市书协会员。被授予“中华德艺双馨艺术家”;“守望和平国际先锋艺术家”;“新时代艺术先进工作者”;“人民心中的大师”;“公益大使”等荣誉称号。作品《陶渊明饮酒诗》被人民大会堂收藏;作品 《12生肖特色邮票》制作成铁通电话卡、纪念邮票、明信片,被国家邮政公司出版发行;数十载孜孜追求,作品有幸得到沈鹏、权希军、欧阳中石、单国强、严静之、苏士澍、张继、田英章、张羽祥、李小隆等名家的点评,书法水平不断提高。
行草 临王铎《千字文》选
行书 刘禹锡《秋词》
Li Haisheng, with the pen name of "Scholar of Humble Talent", pupil of Quan Xijun, member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Financial Media Center of Top China Semimonthly, Chinese national present artist, Art Advisor of Academic Committee of China Association of Chinese and Foreign Celebrities, Inheritor of China's intangible cultural heritage, the best spokesman of Chinese historical and cultural heritage, "Distinguished Calligrapher" of National Ethnic Painting Institute, honorary academician of Academy of Arts Harvard University, Visiting Professor of Florence Academy of Fine Arts of Italy, national senior calligrapher, national senior calligraphy instructor, member of Yinglian Society of China, director of the Chinese Calligraphy Art Master Association, researcher of Bo'ao Asian Art Talent Research Association, member of Shandong Province Calligraphers Association and member of Laiwu Calligraphers Association, awarded honorary titles, such as "Chinese Artist of both Professional Excellence and Moral Integrity", "International Pioneer Artist for Peacekeeping", "Advanced Artist in the New Era", "Master of the People", "Public Welfare Ambassador", with the work "Tao Yuanming's Poems on Drinking" collected by the Great Hall of the People, and the work "Special Stamps of 12 Chinese Zodiacs" made into Tietong phone cards, commemorative stamps and postcards, which are published and distributed by China Post, earned the honor of having his works commented by masters, such as Shen Peng, Quan Xijun, Ouyang Zhongshi, Shan Guoqiang, Yan Jingzhi, Su Shishu, Zhang Ji, Tian Yingzhang, Zhang Yuxiang, Li Xiaolong, upon decades of assiduous pursuit, which enabled him to scale new heights in calligraphy.
Running script "Feelings Expression on High-speed Railway"
Running script "Two Poems of Pre-Tang Style"
Running-cursive script "River Scenes on a Spring Evening"
Seal script "Mentor"
Cursive script "Poems of Mao Zedong"
Cursive script Excerpt of "Thousand Character Classic"
Cursive script "Gazing on Mount Tai" of Du Fu
Running-cursive script imitation of "Thousand Character Classic" of Wang Duo
Running Script "Autumn Verse" of Liu Yuxi
Running Script"Arriving at Ezhou at Night" of Lulun of the Tang Dynasty