“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-陈永刚老师
陈永刚,字浩天,号旷野,科学家,成为的国画雄鹰艺术家。现为中国研创非物质文化遗产保护发展中心委员,中美协会员等。受大师熏陶,自幼喜欢绘画,于是在邻居美术评论家、四川美术学院院长林木导师鼓励下,开始提笔中国画,从此便走上了绘画之路。 在一次画展中,川美一级美术大师林刚先生针对陈永刚参展作品风格及人生经历,深情指出专攻鹰画可能会有更大发展。 由于陈永刚有多年野外工作经历,对我国各种鹰类作过细致的观察,陈永刚心领神会,忽然顿悟,几乎落笔成鹰。在绘画生涯中陈永刚还长期得到刘文西、白德松导师、林刚教授、林木先生等国画大师和高级画师李国钦前辈的谆谆教诲和点评指正,并结下了深厚的情谊,使陈永刚的鹰在祖国大地上飞翔。
《巴山云雾起 傲气荡九州 》
《睥睨世俗事 展翼向天歌 》
Chen Yonggang, who styled himself Haotian, pseudonym as Kuangye, scientist, and artist specialized in Chinese painting eagles. China Research and Innovation Center for the Protection and Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Member; China-US Association, Member. Under the influence of those masters, he practiced painting since childhood. Encouraged by his neighbor Lin Mu, an art critic and Dean of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, he began to study Chinese painting and has since embarked on the road of painting. In his art exhibition, Lin Gang, a tier one art master at Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, saw Chen Yonggang’s works and life experiences and pointed out that he may have a more outstanding career if he could specialize in eagle painting. As Chen Yonggang has spent many years outdoors and had careful observations of various types of eagles, he got Lin Gang’s point immediately. He is able to complete an eagle painting in one breath. In his painting, Chen Yonggang also received comments from Liu Wenxi, his supervisor Bai Desong, Professor Lin Gang, Mr. Lin Mu and other Chinese painting masters and top-tier painter Li Guoqin. They have established a profound friendship. Chen Yonggang’s eagles are able to, eventually, fly on the land of China.
Cloud and Mist Leap up at Mount Ba, Pride and Dignity Sweep away Nine Zhou
Ride on the Crest of Success
Full of Lofty Ambitions
Rise to Unknown Heights
Look Scornfully at the Whole World, Spread Wings to Fly to the Sky
Sacred Eagle
Accipiter Virgatus
A Roc’s Flight of Ten Thousand Li
Strong Wind
The Eagle Flies through the Sky