“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-周和林老师

来源: 标签: 2022-12-01 17:05:23
周和林,上海同欣进修学校书法教师,民建会艺专委副主席,中国楹联书研会常务理事,新文艺报副编辑。周和林老师学生时代即习书法美术,1984年参加上海中国画院美术书法进修班,师承胡问遂先生、 钱茂生先生等名

周和林,上海同欣进修学校书法教师,民建会艺专委副主席,中国楹联书研会常务理事,新文艺报副编辑。周和林老师学生时代即习书法美术,1984年参加上海中国画院美术书法进修班,师承胡问遂先生、 钱茂生先生等名师。曾获得“上海市职工书法篆刻展”一等奖,“神龙杯”全国青少年书法大赛园丁奖等。周和林老师一直在研究两汉的书法,他对两汉的简牍书法有特别深入的体会和实践,书法线条有强有弱,有虚有实,有浓有淡,有粗有细,这些对比变化在质朴的书体当中显示出了一种节奏感,结字点画当中通过这种节奏抒发他自己的情感。周和林老师的熔碑帖于一炉,达至形神兼备之境。同时其将金石之气融入行草之中,使行草之作更加雄浑潇洒,苍峻古朴,充盈着一股浩然之气,细察其作,既有米芾的古拙怪异,也有“二王”的清秀飘逸,还有颜体的庄重古朴,使其作品古意盎然,意蕴多姿,观之令人赏心悦目、击节赞叹。

Zhou heli, a calligraphy teacher at Shanhai Tongxin Continuation School, vice chairman of the artistic committee of folk buildings, a standing member of the council of Chinese couplet and calligraphy seminar and the subeditor of the new Journal of Literature and Art. Zhou helin learned calligraphy and paintings during his student days. He took part in the class for advanced studies of paintings and calligraphy at the Chinese painting school of Shanghai, learning from masters such as Hu Wensui and Qian Maosheng. He won the first prize in the “Exhibition of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting of Shanghai Workers and the gardener award of the “Shenlong Cup” a national youth competition of calligraphy. Zhou has been studying the calligraphy of the Han Dynasty. He has a deep understanding and practice in the bamboo script calligraphy of the Han Dynasty. Strong or weak, solid or void, thick or thin with many shades of black, the comparisons in the lines of the plain writing style have manifested a sense of rhythm, by which his feeling was an expression in the paintings. Gathering the comprehensive strengths of tablet inscriptions and copybooks, Zhou’s calligraphy is excellent in both form and spirit. Blending the style of inscription into cursive writing, he has made the cursive more flowing, elegant, antique and awesome. The weirdness of Mi Fu, the delicacy of Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, and the elegance of Yan zhenqing all can be found in his works with a deeper look, making his calligraphy classic, charming, beautiful and astonishing.

草书 毛泽东 诗《长征》
行草 王维 词
楷书 苏轼 词《江城子》
隶书 陈毅 诗
章草 李清照词《醉花隂》
篆书 张九龄 《海上明月》

Cursive script: Long March by Mao Zedong
Cursive script: Loong
Cursive script: A Poem of Wang Wei
Running script: Dreams of Peace
Couplets in the running script: Fish Swimming Happily with Pedals Floating on the Water
Regular script: Tune of Riverside Town by Su Shi
Clerical script: A Poem of Chen Yi
Clerical script: Remain Calm Whether Granted Favors or Subjected to Humiliation
Cursive script: Tune of Tipsy in the Flower's Shade by Li Qingzhao
Seal script: Moon Over the Sea by Zhang Jiuling



