“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-李大淮老师

来源: 标签: 2022-12-01 17:30:22

李大淮,字怀远,号泰山居士,祖籍山东烟台。“英雄文化传播联盟”总发起创办人、法人代表、主席团轮值主席,亦创办了“英雄文化网”公众号。个人作品在国家级书艺大奖赛中多次获奖,亦被收藏,2019年并被应邀入编《世界殿堂级艺术大师》一书。曾荣获“共和国诗书画功勋奖”金奖,“2018年度国际中国书画杰出成就奖”,“改革开放40周年共和国诗书画杰出贡献奖”,部分作品入选“联合国成立七十周年联合国总部书画展”并被收藏。2021年7月30日其作品《梦》、《不忘初心颂党恩 牢记使命跟党走》,毛泽东《沁园春·雪》等三幅作品参加了“永远的榜样中国书画名家邀请展暨陈半丁书画艺术研讨会”,参展作品获得了单国强、潘深亮等权威专家一致赞誉。

李大淮隶书书法作品《 铁肩担道义 妙手著文章》
李大淮行草书法作品《明月松间照 清泉石上流》
李大淮行楷书法作品《兴旺发达颂盛世 国泰民安享天平》
李大淮行书作品 王羲之《兰亭集序》

Li Dahuai, styled himself as Huaiyuan, Taishan Jushi, originally from Yantai, Shandong. Hero Culture Communication Alliance, chief founder, legal representative, and rotating chairman; created WeChat account Hero Culture Network. Works have won multiple awards in China’s calligraphy and painting art competition, and have been collected by people; included in the book World’s Best Artists in 2019. Was awarded the Republic of China Poetry and Calligraphy and Painting Merit Award gold prize; the 2018 International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Outstanding Achievement Award; the Republic of China 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening Up Poetry and Calligraphy and Painting Outstanding Contribution Award; certain works were selected and collected by the UN’s 70th Anniversary UN Headquarters Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. On July 30, 2021, works including DreamNever Forget Why You Started and Follow Closely the Party, and Mao Zedong Snow – To the Tune of Chin Yuan Chun were selected by the Eternal Role Model – Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Invitation Exhibition and Chen Banding Calligraphy and Painting Art Seminar, and received the recognition of authoritative artists including Shan Guoqiang and Pan Shenliang.

Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai The Principle of Joint Contribution
Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Shared and Win-win Development
Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Connectivity about People-to-People Exchanges
Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Blessing
Clerical Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai A Brave Heart Serves Justice; A Sharp Mind Produces Eloquence
Running-Cursive Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Through Pines the Bright Moon Glows; Upon the Stones the Clear Spring Flows
Running-Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Hero
Running-Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Our Nation is Thriving and Prospering; Our Land is Splendid, Our Country is Prosperous, and Our People Live in Peace
Running-Regular Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Chinese Dream
Running Script Calligraphy by Li Dahuai Prologue to the Collection of Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion



