“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-吴建荣老师
吴建荣,又名剑雄,1957 年出生江苏省宜兴市蜀镇艺术家,现任国务院国宾礼艺术家、中华国礼馆执行馆长、中华国礼紫砂壶艺术大师、中国工艺美术大师、中国国礼特供艺术家、中南海国宾礼特供艺术家、世界非物质文化遗产非遗传承人、国家一级美术师。现为世界艺术家联合会会员、世界非物质文化遗产保护专业委员会会员,港澳台书画报常务理事、中国工艺美术协会会员、中国艺术家协会常务理事、北京中联国兴书画院艺术总监、世界艺术家国际认证联合总会理事、中国美术家交流协会副主席、中国书法交流协会副主席、世界华人艺术家联合会紫砂专业委员会主席、宜兴市爱德培训学校名誉校长、法治周末报常务理事、中央电视台艺术顾问、大国大家杰出艺术家优选人才、首批文化强国智库首席专家、喜迎二十大胜利召开党旗下的艺术大家。 书法作品 《佛》 《福春》 《鸿运当头》 《金龙吉祥》 《精气神》 《中国梦》 紫砂壶
Wu Jianrong, also known as Jianxiong, was born in 1957 in Yixing, Jiangsu. He is currently a state guest artist of the State Council, executive director of the China National Gift Museum, a master of the Chinese purple clay teapot, a master of Chinese arts and crafts, a China National Gift special artist, special artist of Zhongnanhai State Guest, a successor of World Intangible Cultural Heritage, and a national first-class artist. He is also a member of the Associates of World Artists, a member of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Committee, an executive director of the newspaper of “Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Calligraphy and Painting”, a member of the China Arts and Crafts Association, an executive director of the Chinese Artists Association, artistic director of Beijing Zhonglian Guoxing Calligraphy and Painting Academy, director of the General World Artists International Accreditation Federation, vice chairman of China Artists Exchange Association, vice chairman of China Calligraphy Exchange Association, chairman of Purple Clay Committee of World Chinese Artists Union, honorary Principal of Yixing Aide Training School, Executive Director of “Rule of Law Weekend”, CCTV art consultant, selected talents of “Master of Major Country”, chief expert of the first “Powerful Cultural Country” Think Tanks, and an art master who welcome the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Calligraphy works “Fo” (The Buddha) “Fu Chun” (Blessed Spring) “Hong Yun Dang Tou” (Luck on a Roll) “Jin Long Ji Xiang” (Auspicious Golden Dragon) “Jing Qi Shen” (Mind and Spirit) “Zhong Guo Meng” (Chinese Dream) Purple Clay Teapot
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-王义亨老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-谢千里老师
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