“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-王俊民老师
王俊民,号庐陵村夫,毕业于广州美术学院。1991年由江西调入广东惠州大学(现惠州学院)创立美术系首任系主任;现为惠州学院美术教授,著名中国画大写意艺术家。曾兼任高校中国画学术委员会委员,惠州市中国画艺术委员会主任,惠州市画院副院长,惠州市美术家协会副主席。在专业级中文核心期刊上发表专业学术论文数十篇;有数百幅中国画作品参加国内外展览、出版社出版及杂志发表。 出版学术专著:《21世纪优秀艺术家王俊民画集》2004年由江苏美术出版社出版发行;《线速写与速写的线》2008年由辽宁美术出版社出版发行;《名家经典一一中国当代画坛最具影响力20家》2014年由四川美术出版社出版发行;《名家经典一一王俊民水墨专辑》2014年由四川美术出版社出版发行;《中国当代艺术名家王俊民作品》2017年由北京工艺美术出版社出版发行;《王俊民中国大写意花鸟画作品集》2021年由荣宝斋出版社出版发行。 主要奖项:2007年获“广东省第六届精神文明建设五个一工程优秀作品奖”;2008年论文获“第三届中国教育教学创新成果奖一等奖”;2008年获“惠州市第三届精神文明建设五个一工程入选作品特别奖”。 《奔前程》 《草原雄风》 《晨曦》 《春风吹拂杨柳飘》 《蕉林的早晨》 《清晨》 《三兄弟》 《赏月》 《谈天说地》 《天伦》 Wang Junmin, with the literary name of Luling Villager, graduated from the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, transferred in 1991 from Jiangxi to Guangdong Huizhou University (now Huizhou University) where he established the Department of Fine Arts and served as its first director; now a fine arts professor of Huizhou University and famous freehand artist of traditional Chinese painting, member of the Academic Committee of Traditional Chinese Painting in colleges and universities, Director of Huizhou Chinese Painting Art Committee, Vice President of Huizhou Painting Academy, Vice Chairman of Huizhou Artists Association, with dozens of professional academic papers published in professional Chinese core journals and hundreds of Chinese paintings exhibited at home and abroad, and published by publishing houses and magazines. Academic monographs: "The Painting Collection of the Excellent Artist Wang Junmin in the 21st Century" published by Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House in 2004, "Line Sketch and Lines in Sketch" published by Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House in 2008, "Classics of Famous Artists -- The 20 Most Influential Painters in Contemporary China" published by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House in 2014, "Famous Classics -- Ink Painting Album of Wang Junmin" published by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House in 2014, "Works of the Chinese Contemporary Artist Wang Junmin" published by Beijing Arts and Crafts Publishing House in 2017 and "Collection of Chinese Freehand Paintings of Flowers and Birds of Wang Junmin" published by Rong Bao Zhai Publishing House in 2021. Major awards: "Award of Outstanding Works of the 6th Guangdong Project of Best Works in Five Fields for Promotion of Ethical Values" in 2007, the "First Prize of the Third China Education and Teaching Innovation Achievement Award" for the thesis in 2008, and the "Special Prize for Selected Works of the Third Project of Best Works in Five Fields for Promotion of Ethical Values" in 2008. "Striving for a Bright Future" "Heroic Wind in the Prairie" "Dawn" "Poplars and Willows Dancing in the Spring Wind" "Morning in the Banana Forest" "The Morning" " Three Brothers" "Enjoying the Full Moon" "Chat" "Kinship"
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-梁宜君老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-杨萍老师
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