“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-杨萍老师
杨萍,山东济南人,号一散人,梨花坞女主。善诗文,攻书法。现为CCTV中央电视台中国世纪大采风书画院副院长,世界文明论坛国礼艺术家(作品收藏于马来西亚国务办公厅),中国名家书画市场网理事,中国书法家协会注册高级教师,中国CETV教育电视台《水墨丹青》会员。 她的古体律诗获全国文学艺术大赛一等奖。书法作品收入《2018一带一路中国梦》中国当代书法名家限量版珍藏邮册和《庆祝改革开放40周年》大型文献类珍藏邮册。自作古体诗书法作品收入中国文联出版社出版发行的《致敬经典——中国书画传承代表人物》书法卷;四川美术出版社出版发行的《新中国美术图鉴1949—2018》书法卷;中国文化和旅游部核心期刊《文化月刊》第八期作了题为《诗书双绝写锦秀》的专题报道;学术论文与作品同时收入国家学术期刊《文物鉴定与鉴赏》。 她本人选入中国文联出版社出版发行的《世界美术家大辞典》,同时选入《中国核心艺术家艺术成就海外展播工程》。入驻中央电视台《决策中国》栏目中国影响力人物数据库。 汉简《四时更替》 草书《杨萍背临书谱》 草书 苏轼《琴诗》 草书《岁寒 》 甲骨文《天下为公》 甲骨文《德不孤》 草书 杨萍诗《和东坡琴诗》 甲骨文《众志成城》 草书 杨萍诗《目击》 草书 杨萍诗《晴日》 Yang Ping, a native of Jinan, Shandong Province, with the literary name of "Yi San Ren", hostess of the Pear Flower Dock, good at poetry and calligraphy, Vice President of China Century Caifeng Calligraphy and Painting Academy of CCTV, national present artist of the World Civilization Forum (with works collected by the Malaysian State Office), director of mjshsc.com, registered senior teacher of the Chinese Calligraphers Association and member of the program "Chinese Ink Painting" of CETV, awarded the first prize in the National Literature and Art Competition with the ancient metrical poems, with calligraphy works included in the "2018 the B&R Initiative & the Chinese Dream", an album of the limited edition of Chinese contemporary calligraphy masters and "Celebration to the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening up", the album of large-scale literature. with calligraphy works of poems of a pre-Tang style of her included in the calligraphy volume of "Salute to Classics -- Representatives for the Inheritance of Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings" published by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the calligraphy volume of "Illustrated Art Books of New China (1949 -- 2018)" published by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House, with the special report entitled "Talented in both Poetry and Calligraphy" made by the eighth issue of Culture Monthly, the core journal of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, and academic papers and works included in the national academic journal "Identification and Appreciation to Cultural Relics". She has been included in "The World Artists Dictionary" published by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, "Overseas Exhibition Project of Core Chinese Artists' Artistic Achievements", and the database of influential Chinese figures of the column "Jue Ce Zhong Guo" of CCTV. Bamboo slips of Han Dynasty "The Changing Seasons" Cursive script "Imitation of Book Manual by Reciting by Yang Ping" Cursive script "Poem of Guqin" of Su Shi Cursive script "Cold Season in a Year" Oracle bone inscriptions "The Whole World as One Community" Oracle bone inscriptions "Of High Moral Quality" Cursive script "Replying to Poem of Guqin of Su Shi" of Yang Ping Oracle bone inscriptions "Unity Is Strength" Cursive script Poem "Witness" by Yang Ping Cursive script Poem "Sunny Day" by Yang Ping
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-王俊民老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-郑传彪老师
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