“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-郑传彪老师
郑传彪,号颍尾渔翁、半仙诗友、逍遥人。书法创作以草书为主,作品多次参加海内外书画展并多次获奖,同时被多家期刊登载和多家专业构机拍出和出版,书法作品被中国国家博物馆、孔子美术馆等多家机构和个人收藏。草书字范被兰亭字库收录,本人信息也被文旅部人才中心资源库收录,作品被法国卢浮宫艺术馆收藏。 现任中国翰林书画院副院长,中国楹联学会会员,中国传统艺术非遗传承人,任哈佛大学艺术学院荣誉院士。2022年北京冬运会艺术大使,颍上郑文化研究会秘书长,世界郑氏宗亲联谊会名誉主席等职。 草书 唐杜牧《山行》 草书 唐杜甫诗一首 草书 唐韦应物《滁州西涧》 草书《东方巨龙、民族精神》 草书《海纳百川》 草书《积健为雄》 草书《坐拥书城》 草书对联《海为龙世界、云是鹤家乡》 草书对联《龙引千江水,虎越万重山》 多体书创作《百郑图》 Zheng Chuanbiao, with the literary name of "Fisherman in Yingwei" or "Taoist Magician-poet" or "Carefreer", mainly focused on the calligraphy of cursive script, with works on display in calligraphy and painting exhibitions at home and abroad for many times and winning many awards, published in many journals and auctioned by many professional organizations and collected by many institutions and individuals, such as the National Museum of China and the Confucius Art Museum, with the cursive model included in the Lanting font library, and his profile included in the talent center resource library of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and works collected by the Musée du Louvre. Now the vice president of the Chinese Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy, member of the Yinglian Society of China, inheritor of the intangible cultural heritage of Chinese traditional art, and honorary academician of the Academy of Arts Harvard University, Art Ambassador of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, Secretary General of Yingshang Zheng Culture Research Association, Honorary Chairman of The Parent Sodality of Xingyang World Zheng Clan, etc. Cursive script "Going up the Hill" of Du Mu of the Tang Dynasty Cursive script "A Poem" of Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty Cursive script "On the West Stream at Chuzhou" of Wei Yingwu of the Tang Dynasty Cursive script "Oriental Dragon, National Spirit" Cursive script "All Rivers Run into Sea. Cursive script "Every Little Makes a Mickle" Cursive script "Rich in the Collection of Books" Couplets in cursive script "Dragons Dwell in the Sea and Cranes inhabit in Clouds" Couplets in cursive script "The Dragon Draws Thousands of Rivers and the Tiger Climbs over Thousands of Mountains" Calligraphy in several scripts "The Painting of Bai Zheng"
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-杨萍老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-侯业老师
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