“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-侯业老师
侯业,北京市美术家协会会员。1956年考入中央美术学院附中初中班,受过十年严格的美术专业训练,曾师从董希文先生。从事多年美术设计,美术编辑及成人美术辅导等工作。曾多次到访美国、法国及欧洲多国,面对世界级油画大师的原作进行观摩研究。2015年,在北京大千画廊美术馆,以百幅油画作品举办题为“色彩的力量”的油画个展。展览中,油画《夸父逐日》因受到习主席接受美国记者采访时表示,对中国神话《夸父逐日》所表现出的民族精神的赞赏的激发而创作,展览中备受好评。2021年9月,又应国家文旅部《文化月刊》邀请,以32幅油画参加“聚焦经典,盛世丹青”绘画联展。历年来,多幅油画作品被国内外知名人士和机构收藏。 Hou Ye is a member of the Beijing Artists Association. In 1956, he was admitted to the Fine Arts School Affiliated with China Central Academy of Fine Arts as a middle school student. He had ten years of strict art training and learned from Mr. Dong Xiwen. He has been in art design, art editing, and adult art guidance for many years. He visited the United States, France, and other European countries to observe and study the original paintings of world-class masters. In 2015, he held a solo oil painting exhibition titled “The Power of Color” with 100 oil paintings at DAQHIN GALLERY, in Beijing. Inspired by the words of President Xi Jinping in an interview with an American journalist, he created the work In Pursuit of the Sun, showing the national spirit of China, which was highly acclaimed and popular among people. In September 2021, he was invited by the Cultural Monthly, sponsored by the National Ministry of Culture and Tourism to participate in the group exhibition of “Focusing on Classics, Flourishing Painting” with 32 works. Over the years, his oil paintings have been collected by well-known people and institutions at home and abroad. 《村姑拜寿》 The Village Maid f="javascript:;">Offers Birthday Congratulations 《好运竹与布老虎》 Good Luck Bamboo and Cloth Tiger 《欢迎光临》 Welcome 《蓝梦》 Blue Dream 《瑞雪》 Auspicious Snow 《上有老 下有小》 The Old and Young at Home 《书圣愛鹅》 Wang Xizhi Loves the Goose 《夏夜星空》 Starry Night in Summer 《鲜花静物》 Flowers and Still Life 《郁金香》 The Tulips
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-郑传彪老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-胡伟东老师
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