“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-胡伟东老师
胡伟东,山东特殊教育职业学院退休干部。国家一级美术(书法)师。现任中国楹联学会会员,中国楹联学会书画艺术院《书画艺术报》副主任,中国书画艺术联谊会军旅书画工作委员会委员,央媒艺术工作委员会顾问,厦门远东美术馆艺术顾问,中国国画院秘书长,山东省书刻艺术家协会常务理事,山东舜源书画艺术研究院副院长,山东泉城书画七十二名士之一,中国孔府艺术馆顾问。多次参加中书协、省书协主办的全国书画大展并获奖,国家出版发行了多部书画集册,经常在各报刊杂志发表作品,不断参加公益性活动,获"新时代德艺双馨艺术名家"金奖,2022四月作品选入CCTV"新时代人民艺术家典藏"。2022年获“《中国文化人物》特约栏目组艺术家代表纪念荣誉勋章”其节目在文化中国官方网首发及人民日报客户端平台展播。为人民抒写幸福,为时代挥毫赞美。 Hu Weidong, is a retired cadre of Shandong Vocational College of Special Education, and a national first-class art (calligraphy) master. He currently is a member of the Yinglian Society of China, vice director of Calligraphy and Painting Art Daily of the Academy of Painting and Calligraphy Art at Yinglian Society of China, member of the Military Painting and Calligraphy Working Committee at Chinese Calligraphers & Painters & Arts Federation, consultant of Art Working Committee at State-Run Media, artistic adviser of Yuandong Gallery in Xiamen, Secretary General of China National Academy of Painting, executive member of the council of Shandong Calligraphy Artists Association, vice dean of Shunyuan Institute of Painting and Calligraphy Art in Shandong, one of 72 reputed calligraphy and painting masters, and consultant of China Confucius Art Museum. He participated in many national painting and calligraphy exhibitions sponsored by the Chinese Calligraphy Association and Shandong Calligraphy Association and won many awards. He has published many collections of calligraphy and painting in newspapers and magazines. He constantly participated in public welfare activities, and won the gold award for “New Era Artist with Professional Excellence and Moral Integrity”. His works were selected for the CCTV “Collection of People’s Artists in the New Era” in April 2022. In 2022, he also won the Medal of Honor for Artist Representatives of the special column group of Chinese Cultural Figures. His program was released on the official website of Culture China and broadcast on People’s Daily. He will strive for people’s happiness and is proud of the time. 行书《中华民族复兴》 Running Hand Work, The Rejuvenation of the Chinese Nation 草书《德行天下》 Grass Writing Work, Well-doing World 行草书《笑口常开》 Running & Cursive Script Work, Grinning All the Time 行书《奋进》 Running Hand Work, Endeavour 行书宋-钱时诗句《立冬》 Running Hand Work, Beginning of Winter was written by Qianshi, a poet in the Song Dynasty 行书《小清河之源》 Running Hand Work, The Source of Xiaoqing River 行草书唐.戴叔伦诗《小雪》 Running & Cursive Script Work, Lesser Snow was written by Dai Hulun, a poet in the Tang Dynasty 行书《道家箴言》 Running Hand Work, Proverbs of Taoism 行书毛泽东诗《清平乐·会昌》 Running Hand Work, Qingpingyue·Huichang was written by Mao Zedong 唐·杜甫诗《春夜喜雨》等二首 A Welcome Rain on Spring Nightand the other one were writtenby Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty.
上一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-侯业老师 下一篇:“大美无疆 共通共享”十国艺术巡展纪念-王安影老师
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